Friday, November 4, 2011

MediaAsset Creation: Week 2 Think Out-Loud Publishing/Presentation Project: Increased Motivation via Technology

Photo Courtesy of Shutterstock
Used with Permission!
As Karla noted in her blog post, the clock is ticking!  The deadline for submission to present at most conferences is approaching rapidly.  If an appropriate match between my research and an organization’s interest level and a deadline submission within Full Sail’s timeline can be found, I will submit a proposal to present my research at a conference.  If the above criteria cannot be met, I will write an abstract for submission to a journal. 
Depending on the chosen organization, I imagine a group presentation would be the most beneficial.  Our CBR group targeted a wide audience spectrum, from pre-school through adults.  Yet we all worked to increase motivation through the use of technology.  Many of the tools we used were similar, if not identical.  However the way we used them differed greatly.  This variety of perspectives would tend to be a springboard for listeners to imagine the ways technology could be used, most appropriately, in their own environment. Hopefully, it would prevent listeners from leaving the presentation decrying the technology because the environment presented differed from the listener’s environment.


  1. Jennifer,
    I like your idea of creating a presentation as a group! Our CBR groups have continued to be a strong resource and support system, and I imagine you could come up with a very strong presentation. I am guessing you wouldn't actually present together? Correct? Just create the presentation as a group? I would be interested to hear in what conference you participate.

  2. .... looking forward to seeing more about this group presentation....
